NVN Thursday… Pathological Narcissist: a Deep Dive in Two Poems
“The Emperor’s New Skin” by Dana Wall and “Museum of Cutting-Edge Technology” by Kenneth Arthur
by Dana Wall
AI-generated graphic by NightCafé for The New Verse News.
At night, the spray tan must fade like sunset on sandstone, revealing the soft animal beneath the mask— a man who fears his own reflection, who builds towers to touch the sky but cannot reach his own heart. I imagine him alone in gilt rooms, counting retweets like rosary beads, his hands small as a child's reaching for validation through blue light. The weight of inheritance heavy as his father's disappointed ghost. The paper-thin skin of his ego requires constant tending, like an endangered orchid that feeds on camera flashes, on the roar of crowds that fill the hollow where love should have grown. Even his hair tells a story— how it coils around absence, a golden nautilus shell hiding the spiral of ancient fears. Each morning, he reassembles himself from fragments of pride. I wonder about the boy who became this avalanche of need, this hunger shaped like a man. How many mirrors cracked before he learned to replace reflection with gold leaf, to mistake attention for the warmth of touch? Watch how he circles his wounds like a leopard guarding territory, how he marks everything mine, mine as if ownership could fill the space where meadowlarks should sing, where truth should root and bloom.
Dana Wall traded balance sheets for prose sheets after years of keeping Hollywood's agents and lawyers in perfect order. Armed with a Psychology degree that finally proved useful when creating complex characters and an MBA/CPA that helps her track plot points with spreadsheet precision, she ventured into the haunted halls of Goddard College's MFA program. Her work in Bending Genres Journal, Mixed Tape Review, Witcraft, 34 Orchard, Eunoia Review, and Sykroniciti confirms that words are more reliable than numbers, though occasionally harder to balance.
by Kenneth Arthur
AI-generated graphic by NightCafé for The New Verse News.
When we paid the entrance fee the sign promised “a glimpse into the stable genius of our future” but when the tour guide led us into a room dreary, dark and a little damp, brushed away giant cobwebs, expounded upon the macabre exhibit, Kitty For Dinner in water colors, I had my doubts. When we were issued rubber gloves raincoats knee-high boots led deep down into the building’s bowels I knew we’d been swindled. As tour progressed through gallery of beautiful asses and large breasts with interactive display a soft mewl crept into awareness. Before I could discover its source we were whisked away to view the prison full of Mexicans, then film of disabled with full laugh track I wanted to cry masked people shooting up disinfectant, forest rangers raking leaves I wanted to cackle golden throne atop a hill of green land, orange statue straddling a canal I wanted to scream then that sound again, a whimpering, young boy crying chained to the wall just beyond his reach a door and sign: Now leaving Trump’s brain. Sorry, Donny. I have to save myself. I ran for the exit.
Kenneth Arthur is a queer minister with a background in computer science and who dabbles in poetry. Several of his poems have been published in journals including The New Verse News, The Skinny Poetry Journal, and Pensive. He is also the author of Out of the Ashes: Constructive Theology for Those Burned Out on Christianity and blogs at kenarthur.substack.com.